Wednesday, 30 August 2006

Ambang Merdeka

In the morning, our school had an aerobic dance. After that, we went to recess. Then we went to Dewan Raja Abdullah to attend a talk, presentation and so on, so on, and so on (The famous phrase of Cikgu Hassan Ali when he teach me Chemistry).

After I busy with my montage, finally I got a prize from Multimedia Contest.

I must go to school tonight because I will control countdown on a computer.

(5.52PM on Wednesday, 30 August 2006)

Monday, 28 August 2006


I am very busy with montages. Alhamdulillah, I already finish my Biology Folio. Today, Cikgu Rahim called me to new computer lab at my school. Then I called Arman to computer lab. The guest (nazir) came to school. We explain how to play scrabble. Then they ask us about Briged Bestari's activities.

Friday, 25 August 2006

Friday Night

I repaired my hard disk with another computer in my bedroom. After I plugged this computer, suddenly the explosion happened. Suddenly, the firemen and ambulance rushed into my bedroom and I severe injured....(I only joke!). The thing was exploded was processor.

Thursday, 24 August 2006

I am now happy and unhappy

I happy because I have bought a RAM (Random Access Memory) which has 512MB memory. However, I am unhappy because my monitor and its display card does not display anything.

Who have computer can display in more than 1200X700 resolution, please contact me now through this comment.

Thank you
Arigato gozaimas**

**I used computer which unable type in Japanese characters.

Tuesday, 22 August 2006

Oh no!

Who attend to talk:
a) Me
b) D3ly
c) G-Kin
d) Kamal
e) Arman

This morning I went to computer lab to attend a talk given by Cikgu Rahim. He knew that the administrator password known by us. He scold us. However, I have learnt how to use Administrative Tool in Control Panel. Then, we play scrabble.

Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Conflict at 8.00 a.m. to 10.40 a.m. on Wednesday (16 August 2006)

I and my friend (Hafiz) were called by our teacher. Our teacher wanted us to make her presentation by using Microsoft Power Point. But I made her dissapointed because we were very busy with my multimedia projects. The resolution was I met her to appologies her and to take her task. However, she understood me and she appologised me.

Tuesday, 15 August 2006


What I must do when holiday?
  • The popular things that I must do is homework. The homework must be finished are:
    • Sejarah - until chapter 7. Now, I still in Chapter 6 (Bani Umaiyyah Kingdom)
    • Mathematics - Chapter 9 (Trigonometry II) and Chapter 10 (Elavation and Despression Angle)
    • Bahasa Melayu - Compose the composition by using connector sequence.
    • Biology - answer the questions.
  • The non-acedemic things:
    • Independence montage.

Saturday, 12 August 2006

PKBS 2 result

Bahasa Melayu - 70 (A2)
Not originally A.

English - 56 (B4)
I am very weak English. So many grammar mistakes in my blog.

Pendidikan Islam - 92 (A1)
I lost my GLA PAI. So I learn personally.
Attention - Who have seen my GLA PAI please report me.

Sejarah - 79 (A1)
After exam, students 4 Al-Razi included me were fooled by Cikgu Ariffin when he give scheme answer. Ha, ha, ha.

Mathematics - 81 (A2)
Students 4 Al-Razi were scolded by taecher Zamani because their results decrease. She used Malay proverb "indah khabar daripada rupa". She also scolded me.

Additional Mathematics - 73 (B3)
Over confident and careless are my main problems. Therefore, my Additional Mathematics result is almost A.

Physics - 81 (A1)
In Physics laboratory, there have PHYSICS IS FUN slogan. However, I add "ny" to become PHYSICS IS FUNny. I am taught by Cikgu Kamarolzaman. He always use "nevertheless" word. Therefore, my classmate label him as "Never The Less" teacher.

Chemistry - 62 (B3)
Many chapter not learn yet.

Biology - 74 (A2)
The most stress subject exam. Finally, I get A. I am the only one in my class get A in Biology. Is it an antonishment because I am taught by Sir Zaidi?

English for Science and Technology - 76 (A2)
I not target A.

Grade : 7A's and 3B's
Total: 744/1000
Percentage: 74.4%
GPA: 3.45
Rank: 1/30