Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Conflict at 8.00 a.m. to 10.40 a.m. on Wednesday (16 August 2006)

I and my friend (Hafiz) were called by our teacher. Our teacher wanted us to make her presentation by using Microsoft Power Point. But I made her dissapointed because we were very busy with my multimedia projects. The resolution was I met her to appologies her and to take her task. However, she understood me and she appologised me.


Unknown said...

Biasalah Hafiz. Hafiz orang yang paling berbudi bahasa. Cikgu Nazeli lebih percaya kamu.

Breadwinner said...

kpd apih dan j-long...
sebenarnya cikgu yg suruh korang wat powerpoint tu pernah suruh aku buat jugak... tp ari tu aku dtng lewat.. x sempat nk pegi...

Unknown said...

Ha, ha, ha